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Park Advisory specialises in providing Company Secretarial services to ASX listed companies.


Park Advisory provides company boards with ready access to company secretarial and corporate governance advice and input.  Park Advisory was established by Ms Susan Park in 2009.  


"We are committed to providing our clients with a level of professional service and advice to exceed their needs."

What we do


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Park Advisory provides company boards with ready access to company secretarial and corporate governance advice and input.


Ms Park’s 25 years experience in the corporate finance industry includes working at ‘Big 4’ accounting firms, a corporate listed entity and a boutique corporate advisory firm based in Perth, Western Australia. She has had exposure to a broad range of corporate transactions and has been involved in many fundraisings including initial public offerings on the ASX. 


Ms Park has developed strong relationships with key ASX, ASIC and share registry personnel in Perth which significantly benefits Park Advisory’s clients.  


Ms Park has held senior management positions at EY (Ernst & Young), PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC), BankWest and boutique advisory firm Norvest Corporate during her career and has held the position of Non-executive Director and Company Secretary for many ASX, TSX and AIM listed companies.


Park Advisory specialises in providing company secretarial services and corporate governance advice to ASX listing companies, structured to suit the company’s needs and requirements.

Park Advisory was established by Ms Susan Park in 2009.

"We are committed to providing our clients with a level of professional service and advice to exceed their needs."

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Ms Park has over 25 years experience in the corporate finance industry. She has held senior management positions in Ernst & Young, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Bankwest and boutique corporate advisory firm Norvest Corporate. 


During her time at Ernst & Young, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Norvest Corporate, Ms Park was involved in lead advisory roles with respect to initial public offerings on the ASX and capital raisings, preparation of valuations, financial forecast reviews, acquisition due diligence and acquisition advice, independent accountant and expert reports pursuant to the provisions of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and the ASX Listing Rules, litigation support, financial modelling and the provision of company secretarial services.


In BankWest’s Strategy & Ventures division, Ms Park was active in monitoring and management of existing BankWest equity and venture capital investments as well as management and assessment of new investment opportunities and development, management and communication of group strategy.


Ms Park has close ties with the Issuers Manager and the Company Advisors at the ASX in Perth and key advisers at ASIC in Perth. Ms Park is generally in consultation with one or more of the ASX’s representatives on various client matters several times a week.


Ms Park holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Western Australia majoring in Accounting and Finance, is a Member of the Australian Institute of Chartered Accountants, a Fellow of the Financial Services Institute of Australasia and a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.  She is also a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators and Chartered Secretaries Australia.


Park Advisory specialises in providing company secretarial services
to ASX listed companies.

Glass Buildings



Park Advisory’s role as Company Secretary includes the following services:

  • Familiarity with ASX listing rules and ensuring the Company’s compliance with those rules, including lodgement of the necessary forms and announcements.

  • Ensuring all returns required by ASIC are properly prepared and filed on time.

  • Liaison with the company share registry and ensuring the registers and company records required by the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) are properly maintained.

  • Attendance to shareholder relations matters.

  • Organisation and attendance at meetings of directors, including preparation of the agenda, collation and dispatch of board meeting papers and recording of minutes.

  • Organisation and attendance at the Company’s AGM and General Meetings, including preparation and dispatch of the Notice of Meeting, collation of proxies, preparation of the Chairman’s script and recording of minutes.

  • Assistance with preparation and lodgement of ASX announcements.

  • Guidance with corporate governance requirements.



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  • Assisted in management of a successful  $90 million recapitalisation of an ASX listed nickel mining company via an ANREO. 

  • Assisted in management of a successful $55 million capital raising via an ANREO for an ASX listed gold mining company and $30 million  recapitalisation of and relisting of the same company.  

  • Assisted in management of a successful $49 million capital raising via an ANREO for an ASX listed salt and potash company.  

  • Assisted in private placements and a Share Purchase Plan to raise nearly $50m for an ASX listed medicinal cannabis company.

  • Assisted in management of a successful $20m initial public offering on the ASX for a mining company, a $10m initial public offering on the ASX for an exploration company; a $22 million initial public offering of an investor forum company and a $4m initial public offering on the ASX for a mining company.

  • Assisted in management of a takeover of an ASX listed copper company and the delisting process for that company.

  • Involved in the management of private placements raising over $40m for an ASX listed on-line DVD rental and movie streaming company. Management of two renounceable rights issues and several non-renounceable rights issues for the same company.

  • Managed a $15m private placement and a non-renounceable rights issue for an ASX listed mining company. Managed a further $4m private placement to overseas investors for the same company.

  • Involved in the $20 million corporate recapitalisation of an ASX listed mining company, a $5 million backdoor listing of a medicinal cannabis company and a $4 million backdoor listing of a gold exploration company.

  • Assisted in private placements and a share purchase plan to raise over $47m for an ASX listed medicinal cannabis company.

  • Assisted in a $5m private placement and a non-renounceable rights issue for an ASX listed engine manufacturing company.

  • Assisted in several placements and two Share Purchase Plans raising over $30m for an ASX listed hearing technology company.  

  • Assisted in over ten Share Purchase Plans, three non-renounceable rights issues and private placements raising over $60 million for three listed exploration companies and a pearling company.

  • Currently Company Secretary of ASX listed companies including AusCann Group Holdings Ltd (ASX:AC8), BCI Minerals Ltd (ASX:BCI), Nuheara Limited (ASX:NUH), Ora Banda Mining Ltd (ASX:OBM) and Panoramic Resources Limited (ASX:PAN).

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